Hello to the world from our new family member!
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Congratulations !
Lovely sooo cute, what's your new family members name?
so looking forward to meeting Wilbur in September, and to our morning visits from Stanley & Oscar 🥰
We must come down to see you soon x
Gorgeous Sylvia xx
What an absolute cutie pie 🐕😍
Still super cute ❤️🐾
OMG way too cute 🥰 xxx
Oh so cute
Oh my goodness…adorable!!! 🫶
Awww! Xx
A beautiful covering of snow, the perfect backdrop to snuggling down in front of the log burner in one of the barns.
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Bruce Hannon look 🥰
Aaron Goode Alison Gardiner 🥰🥰🥰
Best friends having an evening nap after enjoying a swim down at the river and racing through the long grass!! ... Mehr sehenWeniger sehen
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our girls miss those boys, roll on Sept 2023 😉
Best of friends! ❤️ are you over run with ticks down there?!
Enjoying a leisurely walk along the coastal path this morning with time for a little paddle and swim for the boys!! ... Mehr sehenWeniger sehen
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Fabulous weather too!! 💞
A perfect walk with the boys over Sourton tor, a little water for a quick swim under the backdrop of a beautiful blue sky! ☀️ ... Mehr sehenWeniger sehen
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gorgeous boys 💙💙 Oscar looks as big as Stanley now!